Jane Wheelock Sommers

Jane Wheelock Sommers married to Paul Sommers (15 years)
address: 3522 N 21st St
                Sheboygan, WI
phone:  920-452-7786
occupation:  Pastoral Assistant
                      Wesley UMC (part time)
                      Web Design (part time)
occupation of spouse: Systems Analyst
previous occupations: Proposal Writer
                                       Director Moravian Mt. Morris Center 
children:  Alan 27, Forrest 24 married to Stephanie, Rosie 20 
grandchildren:   Forrest Michael Gross, Jr.  2 months
schools attended:  RC, Stevens Point, Lakeland College, Mid-State Tech, Moravian Theological Seminary 
degrees: B.A. double major in Art and Religion
 interests: barefoot beachwalking, playing guitar, writing music, and singing